Press Clipping
Moonlight Jam added to Bear on the Square

The Bear On The Square Mountain Festival, held each year in Dahlonega, GA’s Historic Public Square, has added a new wrinkle to their free, two-day, downtown event.

They will include a hosted Moonlight Jam on Saturday, April 22, in the MainStage festival tent from 7:00 to 9:30 p.m. Banjo man Rev. Jeff Mosier and his band will be on stage, with festival goers and jammers invited to participate. All are welcome to simply sit and enjoy the show, or muster up the courage to join in onstage to pick or sing.

Rev. Jeff has the reputation in the jamgrass world of being the one responsible for tutoring Phish in the ways of the bluegrass. He is a co-founder of both BlueGround UnderGrass and the Aquarium Rescue Unit, and has a loyal following in alternative acoustic music circles.

The festival also features an artists marketplace, where crafters and artisans of every type display their wares, plus storytelling and old time dance events.

Other performers set to appear this year include April Verch, Crooked Mile, Georgia Crackers, Horseshoes & Hand Grenades, and Will Maring & Robert Bowlin.

A full list of entertainers can be found online.